Heart Chat Bubble


Friday, May 15, 2009

mini update about my addiction =D

I really love Super Junior
I'm a big fan
This is one of my favorite songs lately
and it had been recently released
When I heard this song, I am totally hypnotized
I'm in love with it
The boys were really awesome in their act
The song is different with the others
It is much better than sorry sorry
When I saw the translations, It really hit me =))

Here's the mv

Have fun! =)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

almost~! NAH~!

Today~ May 4, 2009, me and joi tried to broke our record. What record? The record I'm talking about is by talking online by using Skype just for 10 hours, not really talking as long as it is on, upto 10 hours. We started at 10:32, then we chatted and talk, talk , talk. And I pretended to ba a radio DJ, I am taking a song request from Kelly, then I played it through itunes. The sound wasn't bad, we can hear it loud and clear. The funny part is that skype is already complaining due to the background noises. It left some note like "a lot of background noises in your computer", I just ignored it. hahaha XD I am making a countdown like 4 hours more to go and 3 hours more to go but when we are so close to accomplishing our tasks, Kelly got disconnected!! Oh MY! we are SO SO SO CLOSE but then T-T NOOO!! then we ended at 6:06 I hope tomorrow we will be able to have that record.
Last year, We tried to have this kind of task but we only ended up to 8 hours, so we tried today but failed.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Food3rip! part 2

=~=PArt 2 of my food3rip!=~=

{famous food, don't know what its called}
{set of food}

{noodles made of flour}

{haagen dazs, 3 deck ice cream}

{rice filled with caviar}

{haagen dazs' fruits galore}

{mashed shrimp balls}

{fried fish heads}

{shells with sauce}

{fried sushi! @ KFC}

Food3rip! part 1

When we went to Macau and Hong Kong, Our favorite part of our vacation is EATING,
Spazzing on different restaurants and stuff. hahaha
2 years ago, I love to explore Wu Zun's blog
I noticed that he loves to take pictures of the food that he eats
(I envied him since he travels a lot).
Since then, he gave me the inspiration to take pictures of the food
I made a commitment to myself that no matter what happens,
I'll take picture of yummy foods.

=~=some of the yummy foods:=~=


{spicy fish heads}
{don't know what its called}

{cookies below, abalone on top}

{famous food at cafe e.skimo, rice tops with porkchop filled with tomato sauce and
cheese being baked}


{japanese salad}

{eel sushi}

(did you drool? hahaha kidding)
I'll post a 2nd part of this one since I have many pictures

Forever Friends Day!

<<< {credit: elf phil for logo}

Last May 2, 2009, was the 2nd E.L.F Gathering, There were approximately 18-20 members (only official members of E.L.F Phil.) who attended. Started at almost 1:30 because we were still waiting for the others to arrived. We started with a prayer then read the letter sent by the staffs. After everything, we called out the fans of each member of super junior. We discussed about the past lives of the members especially about Hankyung's life when he transferred to Korea. Then we had our break time, we ate double cheese burger with french fries *yum* haha... After eating, we practiced for the contest. We suggested to have a group contest instead of individual performance. There were two groups competed, the other group is "SuRoo" (yup, that's right, that's what we call to my group, it means Super Rookie, inspiration from Super Junior) (too bad we didn't win, but the other group shared their prize with us.). Then we dance to sorry2 and gee, it's a little embarrassing cause lots of people staring @-@.

{word of the day: BaBo! no no no no no HA!} LOL

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I'm thinking about the gathering tomorrow
{e.l.f. gathering}, I feel excited. *yipee*.
Ate Irev told me that to help her with the MC work and I accepted.
We hope that many will come and have fun
So far, the only thing I know about the program is that...
we're going to have the marry u contest
dancing to sorry sorry at the end of the program

Friday, May 1, 2009

shineee.net members

pls vote logo 1 and 8
{click the pic above}


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