(I'm really lame at making my post titles >.<)
Recently, In our humanities class, Our teacher told us to bring 1 cartolina
and group ourselves with 4 members.
He told us to use a black pen and to start to squabbling starting from the corners.
He asked us if we want to use a view finder or just divide it by 4, out of 8 groups,
we were the only ones who chose to divide.and we realized that we have a bigger picture than them. T___T
and the most tiresome part is when our teacher said that to look for a subject and COLOR it all up.
It really took me 8 hours to color everything. *sigh*
my finished product
And my subject is a BABY
Recently, In our humanities class, Our teacher told us to bring 1 cartolina
and group ourselves with 4 members.
He told us to use a black pen and to start to squabbling starting from the corners.
He asked us if we want to use a view finder or just divide it by 4, out of 8 groups,
we were the only ones who chose to divide.and we realized that we have a bigger picture than them. T___T
and the most tiresome part is when our teacher said that to look for a subject and COLOR it all up.
It really took me 8 hours to color everything. *sigh*

And my subject is a BABY
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