*phew* YAY! ITs.... FRIDAY! woohoo
I'm so so so so happy
Today's the end our exam week
no more pressure, stress, torture and... studying for now T-T
These week exams made my nose bleed.
Recently, after each exams my head hurts maybe my brain got drained.
I am sick right now, I don't know if it's stress or I got it from my friend or just sleepy (it's 12 am right now, and I am still awake, Good Morning!)
This after we planned to go to badminton world but too bad 2 of my pals were not allowed
so... Rachelle and I decided to go to the mall and window shop (I'm broke), we had fun
We saw 2 lovers dating namely P........ and A........ (I won't reveal their names for privacy, or maybe just take a lucky guess)
Oh well, this week I've been through a lot of thinking.
I've been planning to make reviews on different topics like anime, movies, shops, clothes, and etc... and it will all be posted in this blog. So always visit my blog for more new posts.
Today's the end our exam week
no more pressure, stress, torture and... studying for now T-T
These week exams made my nose bleed.
Recently, after each exams my head hurts maybe my brain got drained.
I am sick right now, I don't know if it's stress or I got it from my friend or just sleepy (it's 12 am right now, and I am still awake, Good Morning!)
This after we planned to go to badminton world but too bad 2 of my pals were not allowed
so... Rachelle and I decided to go to the mall and window shop (I'm broke), we had fun
We saw 2 lovers dating namely P........ and A........ (I won't reveal their names for privacy, or maybe just take a lucky guess)
Oh well, this week I've been through a lot of thinking.
I've been planning to make reviews on different topics like anime, movies, shops, clothes, and etc... and it will all be posted in this blog. So always visit my blog for more new posts.

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