Last friday, we only have a half day at school so the other half no class no need to go to school! (yay XD)me and my friends iya and kelly made our project in Clwe made it using photoshopiya made the "peace" wordI made the effectsand Kelly prints and edits itI haven't seen the outcome of it, maybe i'll ask kelly to send it
(i'll post it later XD)At night, The OI LEE family and one of the GREE SY family had a conference. We had so much fun!
Yesterday, we made our 2nd project and its a globeWe panicked when one of the member was not around and he was incharged of the materials.So, we told our friend to buy at the mall and gave him some money.When he came back we started making 1st we color the styro ball with blue using Tulco paint (t-shirt printing paint)and we let it dry.At night I log in to soompi, I can't take my eyes off the circle lenses and I really want one!!But sad to say don't have a credit card and maybe my mom won't allow me to use since i'm still young. I also browsed on the nail thread, hair thread and the "what did I buy today thread"! hahaI love those thread!.........................................................................................
Today, I made my science project about neutralizing
Also made my unit test for Social Studies
and my Periodical test for health.
*phew* i'm so tired my hand and back hurts!!
And now i'm writing a blog ^-^